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About Falcon Exhibitions
Falcon Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. is India’s leading B2B exhibitions management company with operations pan India.
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Talk to us about
As a specialist Exhibitions and Events Director, we offer turnkey services for
Exhibitions & Conferences
Business Missions & Buyer Seller Meet
Social Events
Turnkey Projects
With in-house capabilities ranging from planning, design to execution, Falcon holds the knowledge capital to plan and execute all your event requirements.
Areas of Expertise
Exhibitions & Conferences Planning
Onsite Management
Vendor Management
Media & PR Services
Digital & Virtual Events

My name is Alexa Young

Your India Partner for Exhibitions & Conferences
Falcon offers total solutions for overseas organisers planning to organise events in India.
Talk to us for your India plans.
Country Pavilions & Curated Booths
FALCON provides a “turn key” service that includes design; construction, logistics and build up for Country Pavilions and custom designed booths. Our services include